Papillomas on the labia are pathogenic structures in the intimate area of a woman caused by one or more genotypes of the papilloma virus. And although not all strains that cause the development of tumors in this area are oncogenic, the disease must be treated. Even small growths in such a sensitive area can be damaged and subsequently cause a number of complications. Considering the prevalence of the disease, every woman should know what to do with papillomas on the lips, which doctor to consult and what procedures to perform. Particular attention should be paid to preventive measures, because practically no one is immune from papillomas on the labia minora.
Causes of papillomas on the lips

Having seen a photo of papilloma on the lips, one should not blame the patient for promiscuity. Indeed, HPV is often transmitted through intimate intimacy, but this is not the only possible way for pathogenic microorganisms to reach a patient. HPV is also transmitted through normal household contact or at birth. In this case, the carrier of the virus may not even be aware of his infection. A person with a well-functioning immune system is a carrier of the disease, but she will not find unpleasant growths on herself.
In order for the papilloma virus on the lips to begin to manifest itself in the form of proliferation of pathogenic formations, a combination of several factors is required:
- presence of HPV in the body;
- decrease in the protective functions of the body;
- a woman's inattention to her own health.
The virus, not contained by the patient's immune system, destructively influences the process of cell division, causing the appearance of benign structures. And if such a process is not stopped in the initial stages, the protective functions are not restored, the woman turns to the doctor with a specific question about the removal of papillomas on the lips, and not with questions about the prevention of the disease. A decrease in immunity, and, as a consequence, the activation of the virus, is facilitated by constant stress, seasonal vitamin deficiency, age-related hormonal imbalance or pregnancy.
Note!Men are much less likely to suffer from formations in the anogenital area, although they are carriers of diseases. The reason for this is also the specific structure of the female genital organs, which are more susceptible to the appearance of microcracks and, consequently, to a local decrease in protective functions.
Symptoms of papillomas on the lips

Whatever the cause of the infection (violation of hygiene rules in public places or unprotected sexual intercourse), it is important to promptly establish the presence of the disease. Treatment in the initial stages is much simpler and faster. To do this, it is enough to regularly examine the intimate area and visit a gynecologist for preventive examinations.
Photos of papillomas on the lips can easily be found online and compared with a developing growth. During a self-examination or a routine visit to the doctor, the following may be discovered:
- Unit formations- small flesh-colored seals, which rarely exceed 6 mm in diameter.
- Multiple structures, in appearance the formations resemble a cockscomb. Such growths are evidence of an advanced stage of the disease. If the formations are injured during standard hygiene procedures, their color may change from flesh-colored to dark brown.
Not all structures have a flat shape, some HPV genotypes cause formations on a thin stalk.
Some symptoms that require an immediate visit to the doctor are discomfort and even pain in the intimate area when performing standard hygiene procedures or sexual intercourse and unusual discharge. The papilloma virus on the lips can initially affect the hidden area of the intimate area.
Self-taught photos of papillomas on the lips and identification of similar formations do not eliminate the need to visit a doctor. Only a thorough diagnosis will help establish the true cause of the disease and determine the best treatment methods.
The first conclusions about papilloma on the lips can be drawn during a visual examination by a professional. However, the final diagnosis is made after a series of tests that identify not only the presence of the virus in the body, but also its genotype and the concentration of active cells. A patient who has not yet developed growths in the intimate area, but is suspected of being infected with the virus, will receive a similar list of tests.
List of tests:
- blood and urine to evaluate general health;
- tissue biopsy for already formed growths;
- The PCR test and the Digen test are narrow-profile tests to confirm the presence of the virus in the body and determine its strain.
The woman should also visit a gynecologist, since there is a possibility that the activation of the virus caused papillomas not only on the outer labia, but also inside the reproductive organs (vagina, cervix). Based on the test results and the general assessment of the patient's health, therapy is prescribed.
Note!Papillomas on the lips can appear under the simultaneous influence of various strains of the virus, some of which are oncogenic (16, 18, 33 and others). Only a comprehensive examination will help identify all active genotypes.
Methods for treating papillomas on the lips
A special feature of the treatment of papillomas on the lips is its complex nature. That is, the patient is prescribed antiviral and immunostimulating drugs to activate the body's internal reserves to fight the virus (the so-called conservative treatment), and, if necessary, hardware procedures are prescribed to remove the formations. Mild growths (single and small in size) can also be treated with medications and in some cases even with compounds recommended by alternative medicine. Therefore, early diagnosis significantly simplifies treatment.
Medicines for papillomas on the lips
The main course of internal drug therapy is aimed at improving protective functions. The body is stimulated to fight the virus from the inside. For this purpose, for papillomas on the lips, the following can be prescribed:
- Antiviral drugs, suppressing the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
- Immunomodulators, which, thanks to synthetic elements, help the immune system to carry out its tasks.
- Immunostimulantswhich help the functioning of the immune system.
Note!There is no single method of drug treatment for papillomas on the lips. The doctor selects drugs, their dosage and combinations based on the patient's condition, individually in each specific case.
Removal of papillomas on the lips

Multiple small formations lead to the question of how to eliminate papillomas on the lips using the surgical method. Modern medicine has a large selection of hardware procedures for destruction:
- Electric current- a rather painful, but accessible method, which has proven itself for many years.
- Cryodestruction— removal of formations under the influence of low temperatures.
- Laser— advanced technologies allow you to remove growth painlessly using high temperatures.
- Radio knife- the most modern method, removal of papilloma on the lips is carried out using direct radio waves.
Traditional surgical interventions today are used very rarely if there is a risk of malignancy of the formation or its large size does not allow removal of the papilloma by another method. Excision with a scalpel requires a long rehabilitation period, after which it may leave a scar.
Note!All listed methods can be used to remove papillomas on the outer and inner lips. But given the increased sensitivity of the mucosa of the labia minora, for the destruction of this point it is better to choose a laser or radio knife.
Traditional medicine against papillomas on the lips

When treating papillomas on the lips with folk recipes, you need to follow a number of rules:
- Compositions should be prepared immediately before application to growth, unless this is expressly indicated in the recipe;
- Do not exceed the dose indicated in the prescription;
- If at the time of using the product a burning sensation appears, the papilloma begins to grow or deform, it is necessary to stop self-medication and consult a doctor;
- If the papilloma does not disappear within the specified time, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.
The most popular folk recipes for papilloma on the lips are also the simplest. It is recommended to lubricate the growth with celandine or Kalanchoe juice twice a day. After 2-3 weeks, you can expect the destruction of the papilloma.
Another equally popular recipe is compresses made from finely grated potatoes. Only red potato tubers are suitable for treatment. The compress must be replaced with a new one every 12 hours. The procedure is repeated for at least 30 days.
Important!The difficulty in calculating the concentration of the drug is the reason why most doctors do not support the treatment of papillomas on the lips with the methods of traditional medicine. A larger dose of the active ingredient may cause irritation of adjacent healthy tissues.
Preventive measures against papillomas on the lips

The appearance of growths in the intimate area is prevented by vaccination against human papillomavirus. Such vaccinations are not mandatory in post-Soviet countries, but can be carried out on adolescents at the request of their parents. Vaccines are recommended for girls aged 9 to 15, that is, before the start of sexual activity.
In addition, preventive measures against papilloma on the lips are:
- compliance with personal hygiene rules;
- abandon bad habits, promiscuity;
- correct nutrition and moderate physical exercise;
- preventive visits by doctors;
- refusal to self-medicate papillomas on other parts of the body.
The appearance of papillomas on the lips indicates not only the presence of a virus in the body, but also systemic failures (decreased immunity, local inflammation or various diseases). Such signs should never be ignored. It is necessary to remove papillomas on the lips in the initial stages, preventing their secondary infection or oncological transformation. Fortunately, modern medicine allows you to get rid of unpleasant growths quickly and almost painlessly.